Another trip around the sun: 22 random things that made it mostly gorgeous, slightly grueling & broke my heart wide open


  1. Gallivanted around Paris with one of my besties and kissed the Eiffel Tower again after 20 long years. 
  2. Started saying NO ten times more than I say YES. Because it’s often the kinder response. Because boundaries are love-painted fences
  3. Danced with my beloved in the front row of a Michael Franti concert on our 4th wedding anniversary. It was fun, beautiful, and super special. Thanks again, A. (On the exact same date in 2013, Troy and I gleefully refused to enter the reception until our 300+ guests were on their feet and passionately moving their fabulous selves to “Say Hey (I Love You).”
  4. Became increasingly allergic to insincerity, pettiness, and unsolicited opinions, while gaining even brighter clarity around this: gossip is always gross AF – even when you try to dress it up with: “I just care so much about her that I really needed to share this with you…”    
  5. Made fresh flowers a non-negotiable, weekly budget line item. Daisies and tulips from Sobeys are the bestest. And, I’ve seriously come to adore the inevitable checkout conversations that typically begin with something along the lines of: “Who’s day are you making so special with all of these!?!”
  6. Rather than an annual ritual, took up the practice of writing more regular love-letters to yours truly. Me, myself, and I are in a much healthier, solid, and better place with each other because of it.  
  7. Belted out Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself” LIKE. A. BOSS. at a Karaoke bar in Madrid.
  8. Tended to my first online trolls, which was shocking, hurtful, reaffirming, and invigorating all at once. It’s just what happens when you shine your light – a welcome invitation for some and a forceful repellant for others. P.S. I WILL CONTINUE TO USE UPPER CASE LETTERS HOWEVER AND WHENEVER IT SUITS ME.
  9. Embarked on a sacred pilgrimage to Glastonbury, England and experienced all of the mystical, healing, divine feminine goodness of the Chalice Well. It’s been nearly 9 months and I’m still integrating, embodying, processing…
  10. Declared to the world that it's my soul-level preference to be deeply loved rather than widely liked. In the process, I found my place in my tribe and it feels like home. 
  11. Went on a precious and harrowing journey with my grandmother. Had the deep, heart-bending privilege of walking alongside her as she vulnerably recounted the experience of losing my grandfather – her cherished life partner and soul mate of 65 years – in 2015. There were lots of raw and tender moments. We wrote it all down and her submission is going to be published in an anthology later this year.  
  12. Relentlessly reckoned with my capacity for reverence, compassion, and ability to hold space. Un-friended, un-followed, and unattached with wild abandon. Cut a ton of cords in countless ways that hurt so good.   
  13. Adopted permission-based communication with a vengeance. “Are you open to some feedback?” and “Would you be willing to hear another perspective?” are my new favourite questions. 
  14. Spent nearly a week locked away in a private villa in Spain with five of the most queenly women on the planet. We circled in sisterhood, strategized around our respective empires, and solved all kinds of world problems.
  15. Had my Akashic Records opened for the first time in this life. As it turns out, I may be kind of a big deal as a result of some pretty meaningful contributions to the suffragette movement.
  16. Witnessed all kinds of courageous, clever, and conscious badassery from my 15-year old son. Proudly watched him pull off an epic drag performance to Lady Gaga’s “Born this Way,” in front of a few hundred kids, parents, and teachers at his high school. Listened to a stirring slam poetry piece he penned and performed about the heaviness and darkness that can accompany the reality of living our deepest truths in the world. Happily supplied entirely unhealthy snacks for the sign-making party he hosted for his teenage buddies the night before the Women’s March.
  17. Called full-out BS on “the hustle” and “the grind” and made pleasure a prominent priority in every area of my life.
  18. Leaned completely into the truly blessed reality of my Canadian-ness. I grieved the loss of Gord Downie far harder than I could’ve ever expected, wholly embraced a human Prime Minister who is infinitely imperfect like the rest of us, and reluctantly had my very first bite of poutine.   
  19. Luminosity. Collective effervescence in all of its glorious, glossy goodness. The women, the wisdom, the wine. All that it was. I still can’t even.   
  20. Was a passenger on the most epic mini road-trip in upper-state New York with two of the coolest people in the universe that totally re-ignited my love of Pat Benatar and Skid Row.
  21. Cooked tofu for the first time, which was a little traumatic for this carnivorous diva. Ty’s vegetarianism has been a welcome “growth opportunity” for our family that has inspired an awakening of the culinary creator in me. I seriously had no idea I could do so much with eggplants, almonds, and avocados. 
  22. Fully realized that it doesn’t matter who I be or what I achieve, I’m always going to be too much or not enough for someone somewhere. Too loud, too proud, too shy, too hard, too soft, too glam, too drab, too cozy, too careless, too mediocre, too over-the-top. So I focussed on staying in my lane and driving through this year with pulsing hope, unrelenting compassion, and unapologetic audacity. It was the best ride yet.  

BONUS: Thanks to Jorja (AKA the 6 year old, gender-bending, rock 'n rolling superhero that currently lives in our house), I had the opportunity to listen to Queen's, "We Will Rock You," approximately 273592 times. So, Team Spectacular (our humble family title) for the win - we truly ARE the champions - at least when it comes to Spotify.